For the best and safest shopping experience, we aim to create the best and highest standards reached for every online visitor's expectations. We are committed to maintaining the security and privacy of all your personal information. In this privacy policy we offer you an understanding of what type of information we keep safe from what you are providing and give you a view of what happens to the personal information you provide. Feel free to visit our privacy policy page that we keep updated regularly.
Here's a sample of the info and data that we collect from you when entering the website:
Any information entered on the website and gathered can be used by us in order to provide you with the best services available. Here's a list of reasons on why we might use the gathered information and data that you provided:
Regardless of the use of the data and information we have collected, we will keep all your data safe in our hands and allow us and only us to have access to it, without allowing any third party to have a share of the data you have provided. There are only a few certain situations where will be selecting a third party to be able to use some of your own data, to your own benefit, especially with regard to data you provide about services that we don't have but might have connections for. Before we connect you to a third party, you will definitely have the choice to resent from the connection and keep your data private. Please be advised that we don't share any information unless asked or wanted.
For a better and better shopping experience we want you to understand that we work as a team to provide you with the high levels of quality and service. As mentioned above your information and data is not shared to a third party unless wanted or asked, but within the team members we are working together to ensure that you receive the best services. Here's a list of the parts of our team who will be receiving the information with regard to their job description:
For any information, questions, comments, or anything you may have with regard to this privacy policy or any other issue please feel free to contact us here